


Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Thiocyanate products, sulfhydryl compounds, amino compounds, Environmental dressing accelerant

Domestic sales:  
Tel: +86-510-87501562 Manager Wu +86-13915383203 Email: wjt@liaoyuanchem.com
Overseas sales:  
Tel: +86-510-87508213 Manager Bu +86-13771557178 Email: miranda@liaoyuanchem.com , master@liaoyuanchem.com
Fax: +86-510-87503371  

Wood preservatives, , antifouling agents of antifouling paints for ship bottoms, other antifouling agents (pyrithione)

Sales Tel: +86-510-87506338 Fax: +86-510-87503371
Email: hm@liaoyuanchem.com  

Negotiation of Industrial waste liquid environmental protection recycling  technology service project

Tel: +86-510-87500265 Manager Deng +86-13901535074 dbc@liaoyuanchem.com
Manager Yan +86-13738238888 yy@liaoyuanchem.com  

Purchasing Department

Tel: +86-510-87505899 Manager Shen +86-13901417944 sxl@liaoyuanchem.com

Human Resources Department

Tel: +86-510-87500272 Manager Jiang +86-15190395667 jxt@liaoyuanchem.com

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